About CPS Watch

CPS Watch, Inc. was incorporated in Missouri on January 7, 2000.

It was administratively dissolved by the Secretary of State on December 18, 2001, for failure to file annual reports.

It was ordered not to conduct business between 2001 and 2008, however, Barnes, Thompson and Howard still represented their work as being conducted by CPS Watch, Inc.

On or about July 3, 2008, all past annual reports were filed and paid for and the status of the corporation was reinstated.

On December 23, 2009, CPS Watch, Inc. was again administratively dissolved by the Secretary of State for failure to file a correct and current annual report. It was ordered to cease operations.

CPS Watch, Inc. is still operating and being advertised on CPS Watch web sites, groups and other mediums even though it was administratively dissolved. Barnes, Thompson and Howard publish solicitations for donations and other needs under the auspices of CPS Watch, Inc.

On February 18, 2010, Howard advertised on CPS Watch Yahoo! group, “CPS Watch® is a non-profit Christian charity corporation duly organized under the State of Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Law. CPS Watch, Inc. is an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, to which all contributions are tax deductible.” This advertising is false. 

A search of the IRS records of 501(c)(3) non profit organizations, and a subsequent phone call to the IRS reveals CPS Watch, Inc. is not listed as a 501(c)(3) organization, and does not have an Employer Identification Number. CPS Watch, Inc. is and/or has been administratively dissolved by the Missouri Secretary of State and ordered not to conduct business for years during the time frame of this complaint and therefore cannot be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization pursuant to IRS regulations. 

Notice the ® mark inserted after the CPS Watch name in the quote above. A search of trademark records reveals that the name is not trademarked. It is illegal to represent that something is trademarked when it isn't.

According to internal information disclosed by unhappy clients early in 2010, CPS Watch, Inc., misrepresents to those who approach them via CPS Watch Legal Team web site during the initial consultation saying they would represent parents in a child welfare case for free, the only cost being that CPS Watch would require a donation from the proceeds of any civil lawsuit arising out of the child welfare case. However, once the client was accepted, they employed a “bait and switch” tactic, charging a retainer of $500.00 to get started, and hourly rates of $125.00 for “litigation specialists” Barnes and Howard, and $350.00 for Phillip Kuhn for civil, $500.00 for criminal. In response to the customer’s complaint about bait and switch, Howard got offended and reminded the clients they were allowed to join CPS Watch support network for free and gave them Parent’s Guide to the System book for free. Howard stated CPS Watch is, “the best at what they do and nobody can compare.”

CPS Watch, Inc. states in its articles of incorporation, “The corporation is organized to assist parents and families and to provide them with information and services that promote family unity and all other legal powers permitted a Nonprofit Corporation.” 699. Membership in CPS Watch, Inc. has been advertised at $35.00 per year and membership includes consumers as well as service providers.